The people's CTG Campaign
The people's movement
In 2007 the Close the Gap Campaign began National Close the Gap Day (NCTGD) to give opportunity to schools, business and communities around Australia the opportunity to stand with First Australians in demanding health equality for all.
From its humble beginnings, the third Thursday of March each year has seen NCTGD grow into a significant national day in support of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing.
We now have hundreds of thousands of people involved in events around the country each year – making it clear to our governments that Australians overwhelmingly support equality in our health system.
While progress in closing the gap has been far too slow for our liking, everyday we see great examples of communities and services showing innovation and initiative that is having a great and positive impact on the gap.

We invite members of the public, schools and organisations to support the Close the gap campaign and or donate.